Moisturiser for Oily Skin: To Use or Not to Use?

by BiE - Beauty in Everything
Moisturiser for Oily Skin: To Use or Not to Use?



Let's face it, oily skin can be a real struggle. You blot throughout the day, your makeup seems to melt off faster, and the dreaded shine takes center stage just hours after you wash your face. It's enough to make you wonder, "Do I even need a moisturizer for oily skin?"

The answer, our fellow oily warriors, is a resounding YES! In fact, a moisturizer for oily skin is a crucial weapon in your skincare arsenal. Hold on, we know what you're thinking - adding more moisture to an already oily situation sounds counterintuitive, right? But hear us out!

This blog will debunk the myth that oily skin doesn't need hydration and reveal the magic of moisturizers formulated specifically for your skin type. We'll also explore the best skincare routine for oily skin and answer the burning question: "What should I use for oily skin?"

moisturizer for oily skin

Moisturizer for Oily Skin: A Necessity or a Myth?

When it comes to skincare, oily skin often gets a bad rap. People tend to believe that adding moisture to already oily skin will only exacerbate the problem, leading to more shine and dreaded breakouts. But here's the twist - oily skin needs hydration just like any other skin type. Yes, you read that right! When your skin lacks moisture, it compensates by producing more oil, leading to that dreaded slick shine we all love to hate. So, by skipping moisturiser for oily skin, you're essentially telling your skin to go into overdrive mode, which can result in a greasy mess.

The Science Behind Moisturizer for Oily Skin

Let's break it down scientifically, focusing on moisturizer for oily skin. Our skin has a natural barrier composed of lipids, which helps retain moisture and protect against external aggressors. When this barrier is compromised, your skin becomes more susceptible to issues like dehydration and inflammation. Now, imagine your skin as a thirsty sponge - when it's dry, it absorbs moisture like a sponge soaking up water. But when it's already saturated, it won't absorb as much. The same principle applies to oily skin. By providing lightweight, oil-free moisturizers, you're helping to replenish the skin's moisture levels without clogging pores or triggering excess oil production.

moisturizer for oily skin

Crafting the Best Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

Oily skin comes along with its own set of unique challenges. While it may seem counter-intuitive, a simple and streamlined skincare routine is essential to keep the oily skin peeps happy! Here is a break-down of the steps you must follow for a couple of months to see noticeable results.

What to use for oily skin- Morning Routine

  • Cleanse: Use a sebum-controlling gentle cleanser in the mornings to regulate the sebum and draw out the sweat and other residing oils accumulated in the night.
  • Moisturize (essential): Oily skin prototypes should essentially pick non-oily, light-weight & non-comedogenic moisturizers. These creams give your skin the required hydration without making it too oily. In simpler terms, switch your emollients with humectants. Look for moisturizers with hyaluronic acid rather than applying thicker, occlusive creams.
  • Protect (non-negotiable): Sun protection is essential for everyone, regardless of skin type. With the advancements in the sun care realm, use a hydrating sunscreen which does the job of both: Hydration + Protection.

moisturizer for oily skin

What to use for oily skin- Night Routine

  • Night cleanse: This is the more crucial cleanse, double cleanse, to get rid of all the stubborn impurities like makeup, SPF, pollutants, dirt and dust.
  • Exfoliate (2-3 times a week): Regular exfoliation helps slough off all dead skin cells that can clog pores and contribute to dullness. Choose a gentle chemical exfoliant with AHAs like glycolic acid or BHAs like salicylic acid. Avoid harsh physical scrubs that can irritate oily skin.
  • Moisturize: The night-time routine has a slight tweak. Use a slightly heavy moisturizer at night since your skin is in rejuvenation mode.

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Additional Tips: Moisturiser for Oily Skin

While a moisturizer for oily skin is a game-changer, it's not the only weapon in your arsenal. Think of it as your hero product, but to truly conquer oily skin, you need a whole squad of sidekick habits. This is where we delve deeper into your skincare routine, exploring additional strategies to keep your oil production in check and your complexion balanced.

Sun Protection - Make SPF your BFF

Oily skin and sunshine aren't exactly best friends. Sun exposure can actually worsen oiliness in two ways:

  • Boosts Oil Production: The sun can stimulate sebum production, leading to your skin feeling even greasier.
  • Breaks Down Collagen: Sun damage breaks down collagen, a key protein for skin elasticity. This loss of elasticity can make oily skin appear even looser and oilier.

So, how can you protect your skin without adding more grease? Here's where your BFF, a moisturizer for oily skin, comes in!

can we apply moisturizer at night

  • Daily SPF is Essential: Apply a non-comedogenic, oil-free sunscreen with SPF 35 or higher every single day, even on cloudy days. Look for labels mentioning "non-comedogenic" which means it won't clog pores.
  • Reapply Throughout the Day: Sunscreen breaks down over time, so reapply throughout the day, especially after sweating or swimming.

Remember, a moisturizer for oily skin can be your partner in sun protection too! Many oil-free moisturizers now come with built-in SPF, offering both hydration and sun defense in one product. This can simplify your routine and ensure your skin stays protected without feeling greasy.

Blotting Papers: Shine Control on the Go

Blotting papers are a great way to manage shine throughout the day, but remember, they only address the surface oil. For long-lasting oil control, pair them with a moisturizer for oily skin. This will help regulate oil production at the source, keeping your skin balanced and shine-free.

Diet - What You Eat Matters

While there's no particular "oily skin diet," certain dietary choices can contribute to increased oil production. Here are some tips:

is oily skin good or bad

  • Limit sugary and processed foods: These can trigger inflammation in the body, which can worsen oiliness.
  • Choose healthy fats: Include omega-3 fatty acids from sources like fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts in your diet. These can help regulate oil production and promote overall skin health.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins and keeps your skin hydrated from the inside out.
  • Don’t Over-Cleanse: Stripping your skin of its natural oils can backfire, triggering your sebaceous glands, to produce even more oil.

Remember: A moisturizer for oily skin is formulated to be lightweight and oil-free, providing hydration without clogging pores. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains moisture, or niacinamide, which can help regulate oil production. A good moisturizer for oily skin will work with your skin, not against it, to keep it balanced and healthy.


The verdict is in: oily skin and moisturizers are like peanut butter and jelly—surprisingly perfect together! So, before you toss that moisturizer out the window in a fit of oily skin frustration, pause for a moment. It's not about suffocating your skin; it's about giving it the hydration it craves in a language it understands.

It’s time to banish the misconception that oily skin and moisturizers are mortal enemies. Instead, let's celebrate the power of hydration, the magic of balance, and the joy of feeling confident in our skin! In the oily skin saga, moisturizer for oily skin is the hero we never knew we needed—saving faces, one hydrating hug at a time!

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