Men and Skincare

by BiE - Beauty in Everything
mens skincare


Society’s ideals for men revolve around constantly working and providing for the people around them. Men are supposed to be strong and brave, refraining from any form of pampering. This stereotype that skincare is just for women, and it isn’t ‘manly’ to use beauty products is absurd! Skin is skin, and it needs taking care of. Historically, skincare for men and women has been catered to differently. While women were targeted with luxurious magical potions, men were sold multi-use products. Men’s skin may be thicker, oilier, and denser than women's, but gender-specific skincare products aren’t necessary. Rather, it is important to look for products based on skin concerns and needs that are similar for all genders.

Genderless beauty has surged in recent years, and the market has become more gender inclusive. Our gender-neutral products are a part of this movement. All our products are gender inclusive and formulated with expert care by our skin guru and co-founder Dinyar Workingboxwalla

A Skincare Routine for Men:  

1. Face wash : 

This is the primary step of any skincare routine. Our Micro Detox Face Wash helps draw out dirt, oil, and toxins, exfoliate dead skin, and minimize the look of pores.

2. Masks and exfoliators : 

To speed up skin renewal on thicker and denser skin, men should commit to exfoliating their dead skin cells about 2-3 times a week. We recommend our Vin Rouge Resurfacing Mask, which is formulated with non-alcoholic red wine, vitamin E, and Moroccan Rhassoul clay. This mask has multiple benefits. It can help restore collagen, improve elasticity, balance natural oils, and cleanse impurities.

3. Eye treatment :

Typically the first place men’s skin starts to notice signs of aging is fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Hence, it is crucial for men to use a good under eye gel. We recommend BiE’s Eyefinity All-in-One Under Eye Gel, which helps in reducing dark circles and fine lines, depuffs eyes, and provides nourishment to your delicate eye area.

4. Serums 

Due to differences in our skin, men tend to have deeper lines and wrinkles than women do, even if they generally age slower than women. Serums help slow down this aging process. Our Guardian Pollution Shield Serum helps prevent sun and oxidative pollution damage. It also brightens, nourishes, and protects the skin from environmental stressors.

5. Moisturizers

Everyone needs moisturizer  for healthy-looking and feeling skin. Moisturizer helps restore water in your skin, giving it the hydration it needs. Try our Vin Rouge Hydrating and Tightening Gel to help improve pore health and hydrate the skin. Our gel formula does not feel sticky on the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.

6. Face oils 

Men’s skincare also requires a good facial oil. This helps soften and moisturize the skin. For men, applying 2-3 drops in the morning, and 4-5 drops at night is ideal, and applying a few extra drops on your beard can do wonders for your skin and hair health. We recommend our Halo Uplifting and Soothing Face Oil. It helps heal skin from the damaging effects of pollution and pigmentation and reinforces a cleaner, brighter, and fresher look.

Additional Skin Care Tips for Men:  

1. Know your skin type

Each skin is different, and it’s important to rightly identify your skin type. Your skin may be normal, oily, dry, combination, or sensitive. So first get to know your skin, and then choose appropriate skin care products that prove to be effective! (For consultation on suitable products for your skin type, DM us on Instagram or email us at

2. Soften your stubble

 Post your morning shave, you may notice irritating red bumps on your skin. To avoid this and soften your stubble, an easy trick is to shave in the shower, or right after you get out. This is because warm water makes your skin more malleable by opening up your pores, making it easier to cut through the stubble. It would also be prudent to pick a mild moisturizing shaving cream for your routine.

3. Aftershave is imperative! 

This helps moisturize your skin and reduce itching and swelling from razor cuts and ingrown hair.

4. Soothing ingredients for razor bumps, cuts or rashes

Splash cold water on your face. Apply nourishing ingredients like aloe vera gels and avocado oil to soothe the inflammation.



So BiElievers, now you know what to pamper yourself with, or gift to the men in your life. Men’s skincare is equally as quintessential as women’s and while there are now products out there that can help men build their basic AM and PM skincare routines, there are also enough tips and tricks available to ensure your skin is taken care of year-round. 

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